Cloud Computing Search Engine

Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Towards Cloud Curriculum

Cloud computing is ushering a new world order. Major sectors of society- business, government and others are adopting it in greater degree. Engineering education can not remain indifferent to this widely happening trend. Education must take proactive steps to build a comprehensive cloud curriculum that enables institutes to harness cloud power and also prepare next generation of engineers, business leader, professionals and user. This seminar covers the following.

  1. Do we need cloud curriculum?
  2. What are the gaps in Today's education
  3. What to include and how to include in cloud curriculum
  4. Our experience in constructing and delivering cloud computing learning units- 
    1. Cloud Computing Projects
    2. Cloud Computing Course
    3. Cloud Tools for Productivity  
  5. Cloud Curriculum- other approaches
    1. Teaching Cloud Computing
    2. Proposing a cloud curriculum
    3. Teaching Cloud - Lessons Learning 
  6. The Road Ahead 

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